Python Application Guide ######################## The SatOS Payload SDK contains assets that greatly simplify development of payload applications in Python. The python library (named `satos_payload_sdk`) provides Payload Interface client bindings as well as a user-friendly abstraction for applications. This guide primarily describes how to use this library in pursuit of building a fully functional Payload Application. Obtaining the Library ********************* The `satos_payload_sdk` library is not distributed independently, and can only be accessed from within a docker image. Applications are expected to be built atop this image, which is distributed via public registry: `` During the development process, it can be helpful to run a local container to manually interact with the library and explore its operation: docker run -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace -it /bin/bash Sample Applications ******************* Fully functional applications using this SDK are available here: Device I/O ********** Payload device access is not yet abstracted through the `satos_payload_sdk.app_framework` module. Instead, developers should use the `satos_payload_sdk.antaris_api_gpio` module. To identify the location of a connected UART device, call `api_pa_pc_get_uart_dev()`. The returned value will be a string containing a your device path (e.g. `"/dev/ttyUSB0"`). Your application may then interact with the device as necessary. To understand the available GPIO pin configuration, call `api_pa_pc_get_gpio_info()`. The function will return an object with three attributes: * `pin_count` holds the number of pins available * `pins` holds an array of assigned pin numbers (of length `pin_count`) * `interrupt` holds the assigned interrupt pin number To read the current value from a GPIO pin, simply call `api_pa_pc_read_gpio()`. The read value will be returned from the function. A value of -1 will be returned if the operation fails. To write to a GPIO pin, call `api_pa_pc_write_gpio(, )`. The written value will be returned from the function. A value of -1 will be returned if the operation fails. At this time, GPIO support is limited to FTDI devices.